Here you can find somegood tips about how to clean and how to remove superficial scretches.
These informations comes directly from the Playfield supplier Classic Playfield:
- Final clear used on the playfield is a 2 part polyurethane high end product, it's used in high end luxury cars.
- Most of the car waxes can do a very good job but one of the best product to clean and to remove superficial scratches is Novus 2.
- How to use Novus:
Novus 1 is used to clean and make playfield shine again.
Novus 2 is great to remove small scretches and do a deep playfield cleaning.
We suggest to use Novus 1 and 2 in combination, for the best result.
If you need more informations or more detailed informations you can send a message here:
"HOW - TO" : Clean your playfield Print
Created by: Andrea DM
Modified on: Mon, 30 Dec, 2024 at 3:18 AM
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